Thursday, January 21, 2010

Hamilton Hearts For Haiti fundraiser concert Sun Jan 31st

The Hamilton Spectator and Vibewrangler Studio are presenting a fundraiser concert event for Haiti relief efforts on Sunday, January 31 at Hamilton Place's Great Hall theatre.

FEIST ,Tom Wilson + Stephen Fearing of BLACKIE and the RODEO KINGS, The Arkells, LUKE DOUCET +MELISSA MCCLELLAND, JACOB MOON, Lee Harvey Osmond, Harlan Pepper, Lily Frost, Brian Melo with many more TBA will perform to raise money in support of Disaster Relief in Haiti.
. All proceeds from the event will be distributed to three Registered Charities that are already on the ground and familiar to Hamilton/Oakville residents already supporting their ongoing work on the ground in Haiti and matched dollar for dollar by the Government of Canada's Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund.

The Canadian Friends of Albert Schweitzer Hospital (which operates out in the mountain region north of the Haitian Capital), OMS Canada, which operates a mission in Cape Haitian and the International Child Care, which operates Grace Hospital in Port-Au-Prince (watch W5 on Sat Jan 23 at 7pm for the full story on this worthy organization) .

The event is coming together quickly, with sponsors and acts signing on to help every few hours since launch on Friday.

The situation in Haiti is deteriorating rapidly (with a new 6.1 earthquake just this week) and we are supporting all efforts to do our part and help the Haitian people.

$25 all seats
get your ticket NOW at

direct link:

Or go to Copps Coliseum to pay a lower convenience charge (save $7 per ticket!).